The Common Signs Of Childhood Bullying

How To Know If Your Child Is Being Bullied

How To Know If Your Child Is Being Bullied

Most childhood bullying occurs in a school environment, removed from the safety of the home. As a result, it can be difficult to determine when your child is being bullied, the extend of the bullying and when you as a parent need to step in. Here are some tell-tale signs that could indicate your child is being bullied:

A Reluctance To Go To School

While most children won’t want to go to school on occasion, a consistent reluctance to go to school could be a sign your child is being bullied. Children that simply refuse to get up in the morning, give recurring excuses for staying at home or request early pick-ups often, could be the victims of bullying. This is particularly evident on a Monday morning.

In this case, your child is not simply tired from a week of work but has enjoyed a safe environment over the weekend, and Monday brings with it a sense of dread. Force your child to go to school, especially as a teenager, and they may cut class or skip it altogether. If this is the case its important to check in regularly with the teacher to monitor attendance.

A sudden change of friends

While swapping and changing friends in school is common, if your child suddenly drops their entire friendship group or has a reluctance to see a certain person, this could indicate bullying. This is particularly common amongst teenage girls. Connecting with other parents and having an open stream of communication will allow you to pick up on whether these changes are just part of a natural cycle or if something is amiss.

A Lack Of Interaction

Children that are being bullied, can tend to withdraw into themselves. They may not be their talkative selves or will spend extended periods in their room. Any interaction can annoy these children, causing them to become quick to anger, especially with other siblings.

Children who are being bullied could also start to become preoccupied with devices, choosing to withdraw into a virtual world. This can be particularly dangerous as it may be online where most of the bullying occurs and becoming obsessed with their devices will perpetuate the problem. Simply taking these devices away is often not the answer to cyberbullying as this can lead to your child feeling even more alone and isolated. The internet is a great space and you can sign up here for fun, but it may not always be a good place for children. Keep tabs on what they browse and who they talk to.

Torn Or Lost Clothes

While bruises and broken bones are some of the most obvious signs of bullying, some of the physical signs may not be as obvious. With young boys, it's not uncommon for them to come home with mud on their face, with a lost shoe, a scrape on the knee, or a torn shirt, but if this becomes more and more frequent it could be a sign that they are being physically bullied.

Always be wary if your child simply cannot explain these incidents as this could mean they are being bullied on the playground at recess.